The Place Of Nature In The Sorrows Of Young Werther

The Sorrows of Young Werther was the embodiment of Sturm und Drang in Europe. Werther became a popular figure and even inspired young people to dress the same as him. Werther has the romantic temperament and always goes with his heart. This heart-over-head mentality is what leads Werther to self destruction. When we read Werther’s letters, it is as if we were there with him. Werther is deeply connected to his surroundings and nature. We can see the influence of nature on Werther through his connection with nature. We can see the mirroring of the outside and the inner world in Werther’s correspondence. We can see that Werther’s letters are a perfect example of the stormy weather. Goethe was a firm believer in the power of nature, which is exemplified by The Sorrowsof Young Werther.

The novel portrays nature’s positive and negative aspects. Werther’s writings focus on the beauty and power of nature. Werther begins the novel by expressing his joy over nature. He writes: “Today I saw a scene that, if it were written down clearly and precisely, would have been the most beautiful idyll ever seen by the world…must we play with Nature before enjoying it?” (Goethe, 35). This can be seen in his active painting and poetry. Werther wrote, “I created a harmoniously perfect and arresting picture without putting anything of mine into it…Nature has infinite riches and Nature is the only one who creates great artists.” (32). Werther credits nature with his talent. He claims to have not altered nature through his artwork, only capturing exactly what was seen. He shares the joys of nature with Wilhelm when he’s happy. Werther initially focuses on nature’s beauty, but other people do not. Werther believes that nature is beautiful and pure, and yet people tend to focus more on its technical and physiological features. Werther is not happy with how humans use nature to build their own civilizations.

I can see the patriarchal ways in action around me. I feel the spirits of the wells and the springs that are watching over them. I can’t imagine anyone not feeling this way after a hot summer day. (27)

Werther cannot understand people who don’t enjoy nature. Werther enjoys nature when it is beautiful. When Werther is happy, he appreciates nature’s beauty. Werther’s feelings and the way he perceives nature go hand-in-hand. When Werther’s mood is good, nature looks good to him. Werther is deeply connected to the natural world. He finds it uplifting. He can be brought down by it.

Weather outside often affects the way we feel inside. Werther is no exception. In his letters it is evident how nature outside affects his inner feelings and emotions. The novel uses nature as a way to portray Werther’s journey and condition. Werther claims that nature is his friend and that it can help him to know when he feels down. He tells Wilhelm that “the sun wasn’t even a quarter-hour away from the mountains. It was sultry. The ladies were afraid of a storm. I put their minds at ease with my weather expertise, but all the while I was beginning to suspect our pleasures would suffer a blow.” (37). Werther is influenced by his connection to the natural world. He is more optimistic if the sun is shining, and he anticipates good times. Werther’s desperation is framed by nature.

Goethe shows that human emotions are mirrored in nature and vice-versa. Goethe creates Werther’s unrequited passion by using nature as the backdrop for Werther to experience his heartbreak. Goethe uses a dance scene to show how nature reflects Werther’s feelings. Lotte tells Werther Albert’s story and, coincidentally lightning strikes. Lightning strikes mirror the shock Werther experiences when Lotte makes her announcement. Werther spends his time immersed in nature. Werther’s sorrow is displayed all around him.

Werther knows well what Sturm und Drang means. Werther’s disposition is similar to the weather. Both are unpredictable, always changing and have a constant flux. Werther takes on the characteristics of his environment. Werther writes October 20th: “…we will always compare ourselves to others. And our surroundings are always compared with us. Our happiness and misery depend on what is in our surrounding …”. Further, the nature does not just affect his emotions but also that he is dependent on it. The two are united. Werther is in harmony with nature. Werther lives in harmony with nature and its cycles. Werther tells us that he transforms into the autumn. Goethe uses nature as a way to explain Werther’s feelings. Nature is in Werther’s head, whether or not he realizes it.

Von Goethe believes that nature is the expression of our feelings, just as we are dependent on it. Werther’s emotional state is affected by his surrounding environment in The Sorrowsof Young Werther. Goethe uses his novel to argue for the power nature. Goethe’s novel shows that Werther finds his happiness and sorrow in nature. It is clear that nature can have a powerful influence on humans. Nature can be seen to change people throughout the novel. Nature can make a human feel happy and inspired to create, or sad and ill-intentioned. Even the man himself can change.


  • melissarauch

    I'm a 25-year-old middle school teacher and blogger. I blog about education, parenting, and life in general. I'm also a mom of two young children, so I write about topics that are important to me.

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